Fuels, Reactors and Reprocessing
The Fuel, Reactors & Reprocessing capability consists of three teams providing technical support (commercial work, R&D, nuclear foresight & advice) to a wide range of customers including the UK government.
The Fuel, Reactors & Reprocessing capability consists of three teams providing technical support (commercial work, R&D, nuclear foresight & advice) to a wide range of customers including the UK government.
The fuel post irradiation evaluation team has been involved in a vast range of activities from working on Windscale’s Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor (WAGR) to receiving both Magnox and AGR fuel from power stations. Much of the development work for the UK fuel requirements was carried out by the team in the UK’s only high active PIE laboratory, which NNL operates. Since 2006, 435 AGR fuel elements have entered the facility with the team examining over 3000 fuel pins.
Focusing on fuel, the team uses a variety of techniques to assess fuel behaviour, which includes monitoring surface conditions, identifying surface defects of fuel pins and examination of other nuclear items. The team also has the capability to process spent and failed fuel. Post irradiation examination techniques lead to a better understanding of material behaviour helping to support the lifespan of commercial reactor fleets, enhancing nuclear safety cases whilst making the case for reactor life extension.
Within the team are PIE Technicians, Deputy Delivery Managers, Technical Leads and Team Managers, meaning the team has considerable experience in developing new techniques to meet customer requirements. One of our main strengths is flexibility, with the ability to handle a full range of fuel and irradiated materials.
Capabilities: To assess ex-service materials to; determine behaviour in nuclear reactors during normal operating conditions and determine behaviour during nuclear incidents, the fuel PIE team uses the following techniques to provide customers with detailed analysis:
Customers: EDF Energy Sellafield Ltd, NDA, RWM Rolls Royce
Skills: Laboratory fellows, chartered through professional institutes.
Facilities: Active Handling Facility (AHF) Hot Cells are the core specialist equipment including the large variety of PIE techniques.
Collaborations: Links with some universities and this has included doctoral candidates working with members of the capability. We also have members of NEA and IAEA expert panels and have collaborated with/partnered with Studsvik, ORNL, INL and ITU at various times.