Nuclear Operations

The Nuclear Operations capability consists of 4 capabilities providing technical support (commercial work, R&D, nuclear foresight & advice) to a wide range of customers including the UK government.

Measurement and Analysis

The M&A capability will have the ability to deliver routine UKAS accredited analysis on a range of active materials and undertake R&D in the area of radiometric analysis.

M&A capability is unique in terms of the depth and breadth of the capability enabling the characterisation of extremely hazardous materials. The capability will have the ability to undertake measurements on complex and hazardous materials spanning the nuclear fuel cycle, from irradiated fuels to complex waste forms. The capability also has the ability to undertake R&D and develop new and novel analytical instrumentation and methods.

Customers: Sellafield Ltd, EDF, MoD, Rolls Royce, RWM, Dounraey Ltd.

Skills: Classified Workers, DV Clearance DAP’s, Internal Project Management, High Active SQEP (G/Box and F/hood), Laboratory Operations (safety, waste management, consumable procurement).

Facilities: High Active Facilities (Alpha boxes, gloveboxes, shielded fumehoods, scrubbed fumehoods) full radiometrics capability, UKAS accreditation, Transport Capability, ICP-MS / OES, Physical Analytical Instrumentation.

Collaborations: Sellafield Ltd – RAP Project, CMSD, CNL SME’s and University of Manchester.