Fuels, Reactors and Reprocessing
The Fuel, Reactors & Reprocessing capability consists of three teams providing technical support (commercial work, R&D, nuclear foresight & advice) to a wide range of customers including the UK government.
The Fuel, Reactors & Reprocessing capability consists of three teams providing technical support (commercial work, R&D, nuclear foresight & advice) to a wide range of customers including the UK government.
Graphite makes up the moderator core of Advanced Gas Cooled Reactors (AGRs) and previous Magnox Reactors.
PIE allows the licensee and the regulators to build up knowledge of graphite material properties and predict future behaviour of graphite, ensuring safe operation of the UK’s ageing fleet of AGRs.
A variety of PIE techniques are used to measure material properties including density, Young’s modulus, gas diffusivity, electrical resistivity, thermal expansion, and fracture strength.
NNL is the sole provider for Graphite PIE in the UK, with more than 40 years’ experience analysing over 19,000 samples of AGR and Magnox graphite.
Testing and characterisation of trepanned graphite cores is carried out in the unique world-class Windscale facilities based at Sellafield.
Customers: Magnox, EDF Energy, University of Manchester, SL, NDA, DSRL, Innovate-UK
Skills: NNL is the sole provider for Graphite PIE in the UK, with more than 40 years’ of experience analysing over 19,000 samples of AGR and Magnox graphite. Testing and characterisation of trepanned graphite cores is carried out in the unique world-class Windscale facility based at Sellafield.
A variety of PIE techniques are used to measure material properties including density, Young’s modulus, gas diffusivity, electrical resistivity, thermal expansion, and fracture strength, as detailed below;
Collaborations: NNL works closely with the universities of: Manchester, Liverpool, Loughborough, Oxford and Bristol.
NNL is in collaboration with EDF Energy and The University of Manchester on Innovate UK projects and New Techniques research.
New techniques are constantly being developed, these include electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI), work of fracture, and optical, polarised and fluorescent microscopy.
NNL chairs the ASTM committee D02.F on Manufactured Carbons and Graphite.