Fuels, Reactors and Reprocessing
The Fuel, Reactors & Reprocessing capability consists of three teams providing technical support (commercial work, R&D, nuclear foresight & advice) to a wide range of customers including the UK government.
The Fuel, Reactors & Reprocessing capability consists of three teams providing technical support (commercial work, R&D, nuclear foresight & advice) to a wide range of customers including the UK government.
The Fuel, Reactors & Reprocessing capability consists of three teams providing technical support (commercial work, R&D, nuclear foresight & advice) to a wide range of customers including the UK government.
The Post Irradiation Evaluation (PIE) team undertake measurements, experiments and assessments of materials focusing on design and operation of PIE equipment in high activity environments, examination of graphite core material, civil and defence fuel examination, preparation and analysis of metallography samples and endoscope examination at reactor stations.
NNL’s Materials and Corrosion group contains a number of uniquely experienced professional radiochemists, metallurgists, physicists, materials and corrosion scientists, whose expertise spans a wide range of areas in materials, reactor/plant chemistry and corrosion, and has a long history of successful delivery of work programmes to an exceptional standard. The group supports strategic programmes for both the civil and naval fleets, as well as provide advice on strategic UK issues.
The Reactor Design and Separation Science team specialise in reactor core materials, fuel design, nuclear physics, advanced reprocessing, advanced separations and special nuclear materials.