Nuclear Operations
The Nuclear Operations capability consists of 4 capabilities providing technical support (commercial work, R&D, nuclear foresight & advice) to a wide range of customers including the UK government.
The Nuclear Operations capability consists of 4 capabilities providing technical support (commercial work, R&D, nuclear foresight & advice) to a wide range of customers including the UK government.
The chemical and physical measurements are classified as;
M&A-I has used sophisticated visual image processing for a variety of unusual measurements including crystallisation temperature, meniscus tracking, leak detection and physical dimensions. We have been particularly successful with smart cameras for reading barcodes at distance and through shield windows where conventional laser readers are ineffective. We also have experience with networked surveillance cameras and digital video recording.
We have a design and build capability for bench-top or rack-mounted hardware and/or software controllers aimed primarily at small to medium-scale laboratory experiments.
The M&A-I bespoke software capability supports our instrumentation products as these typically require both control and data logging features. Our instruments are often used in safety related applications and our procedures have been assessed for compliance with BS EN 61508. We also create specialist scientific calculation and data logging software for laboratory trials. Expertise covers several languages including Pascal, C, C++, Microsoft C# and Visual Basic for the .NET framework.
Customers: Sellafield Ltd.
Equipment: SMART Cameras, Gamma Detector, Gas Mass spectrometer, Development PC’s and Eddy Current Test Rig.
Software: Software development Applications (Visual Studio, HelpSmith and Beyond compare).